

Zeitenwende in der Entwicklungsfinanzierung?

Seit Vereinbarung der Agenda 2030 fand Entwicklungsfinanzierung unter den Bedingungen niedriger Zinsen und hoher Liquidität auf globalen Finanzmärkten statt. Das hat sich mit der Zinswende geändert. Dieses Briefing Paper beschreibt die aktuellen Trends, analysiert die Implikationen für die Finanzierung nachhaltiger Entwicklung im globalen Süden, und formuliert Politikempfehlungen wie Länder des globalen Südens und ihre Finanzierungspartner aus dem Norden auf die Zinswende reagieren können.

Das Hochrangige Politische Forum der Vereinten Nationen 2022

Vom 5. bis 15. Juli 2022 fand die diesjährige Tagung des Hochrangigen Politischen Forums (High-Level Political Forum, HLPF) der Vereinten Nationen statt. Das HLPF ist das zentrale UN-Gremium für nachhaltige Entwicklung und soll hauptsächlich die Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und ihrer globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) überwachen.

Das Forum tagte zum ersten Mal seit drei Jahren wieder in Präsenz, wenngleich unter geringerer Beteiligung von Regierungsvertreter*innen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen.

Die Diskussionen waren geprägt vom Zusammentreffen verschiedener Krisen: Der weiterhin schwelenden [...]

GPW Round up #2

This GPW Round Up #2, Ensuring Social Protection for All, highlights the critical importance of universal social protection not only in recovering from the pandemic, but also its vital role to address pre-existing deep-seated inequalities between and within countries. It details gaps in social protection coverage and financing, especially in poor countries, and failures of the targeted, or means-tested approach, often promoted by IMF and World Bank.

The Round Up features comments and debates by Member [...]

GPW Round Up #1

This GPW Round Up #1, entitled “The Debt Crisis and Illicit Financial Flows” looks at the UN Secretary-General’s proposals in his report Our Common Agenda to address this crisis, starting with a Biennial Summit between the G20, ECOSOC and IFIs, and asks “Does Our Common Agenda provide solutions?”

At a time when Africa has lost US$ 1 trillion over 50 years to IFFs, more than it has received in development assistance, the Round Up features Member State statements [...]

How the UN Opened Its Doors to Private Funding and Networked Multilateralism

On 11 March 2022 at United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York City, Secretary-General António Guterres addressed an audience of Member States, UN staff and other stakeholders at the final consultation meeting on his proposed Our Common Agenda. He urged Member States: “The process surrounding Our Common Agenda is an opportunity to recommit to our fundamental enduring principles while overhauling the practices of multilateralism for a new age.” The report details this new multilateralism to be “an inclusive, networked [...]

Once in a decade, the UN convenes a conference on the least developed countries (LDCs) to negotiate a programme of action, consisting of political agreements and international support measures. Financing for development in all its dimensions is an essential component of these programmes. The process that led to the Fifth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries and the Doha Programme of Action took place under the difficult conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the limited financial space that LDCs had [...]

A primer on the UN’s Financing for Development process

This briefing paper gives an overview of the current challenges in different development finance action areas. In the second part, we give an overview of the UN’s FfD process and of the international agreements on Financing for Development. Based on our analysis, we identify 10 key levers for financing sustainable development. With these, Eu­rope can make a substantial contribution to financ­ing for development and thereby to the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development worldwide.

GPW Briefing #35

By Barbara Adams and Julie Kim

One of the global processes falling prey to the Omicron variant of the Covid virus was the fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed countries, originally scheduled for the end of January in Doha, Qatar. It has been replaced with a meeting in New York on 17 March 2022 for the adoption of the Doha Programme of Action (DPoA); a full meeting will be held in March 2023, where governments will gather with stakeholders [...]

Schlüssel zur Überwindung der COVID-19-Pandemie

Die Regierungen haben sich in der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung verpflichtet, für alle Menschen „den Zugang zu bezahlbaren unentbehrlichen Arzneimitteln und Impfstoffen (zu) gewährleisten“. Davon ist die Welt bei der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie weit entfernt. Im brutalen Wettlauf um Corona-Impfstoffe haben die Länder des globalen Südens bislang den Kürzeren gezogen.

Wenn es so weiter geht, werden viele Länder das von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) proklamierte Ziel verfehlen, bis Mitte 2022 eine 70-prozentige Impfquote zu erreichen. Das gilt für fast den [...]

Report on the seventh session of the UN open-ended intergovernmental working group on a legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (“treaty”)

From October 25-29, 2021, the UN open-ended intergovernmental working group on the elaboration of a legally binding instrument on Business and Human Rights met for the seventh time at the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council in Geneva. Two developments provided a new dynamic compared to previous sessions. For the first time since the intergovernmental working group’s establishment in 2014, the United States and Japan participated in its meeting. Germany expressed its views for the first time. In addition, the [...]