UN DESA/DSD has invited the nine major groups and other relevant stakeholders to submit one paper per sector/group of no more than 2,800 words to DSD by Monday, 25 April 2016. The list of the endorsing organizations may be found at the end of the document.
HLPF 2016 – “Ensuring that no one is left behind”
Our starting point: All members of the Major Groups of NGOs are committed to deliver fully on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Active participation of civil society organisations and other stakeholders is crucial for its success. It is historical that at the UN such a comprehensive agenda has been adopted by all Member States. This agenda has the potential to transform the global economic system. By making the most of this opportunity, the international community could break out of the ‘business as usual’ approach that left the MDGs unmet. Our governments must recognize that the implementation of the SDGs is universal and governance driven.