
GPW Fact Sheet #6

By Marina Lent and Saniya Mittal

The Pact for the Future, the proposed outcome of the Summit of the Future, will address Security Council reform in Chapter 5, on global governance. The Pact’s draft and process have a placeholder for input from the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN), which is due by the end of June 2024. 

The linkage of on-going and decades-long Security Council reform with the September 2024 deadline for adopting the Pact for the Future has contributed to the [...]

No. 6 | 2024

Topics covered in this issue: 

SOTF, UNSC, Human Rights, Debt, C5, UN Funding, QCPR, RC System, EMRTD, INFF


No.5 | 2024

Topics covered in this issue:



No.4 | 2024

Topics in this issue: 

DFG, GDC, SOTF, UN Liquidity Crisis

No.3 | 2024

Topics in this issue:

SOTF, PFTF, UNSG, GDC, DFG, Nairobi Civil Society Conference

The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development and its main challenges

In December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly finally gave the mandate to convene the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4). In a challenging economic and geopolitical environment, high expectations are placed on the conference. On the one hand, ways and means are to be found to mobilize additional funds in order to at least significantly reduce the enormous financing gaps in development and climate action. On the other hand, FfD4 is also intended to be a milestone [...]

No.2 | 2024

Topics in this issue:


No.1 | 2024

Topics in this issue:

UNSG, UNSC, SIDS4, LLDC3, CSocD, SOTF, UN Statistical Commission, UN Funding

GPW Fact Sheet #5

Member States have started negotiations on the Summit of the Future (SotF) outcome document: the Pact for the Future. The process kicked off on 29 January 2024 with the co-facilitators’ presentation of the Zero Draft of the Pact and Member States’ reactions to the Zero Draft.

This Global Policy Watch Factsheet #5 on the Zero Draft of the Pact for the Future walks through a summary of the co-facilitators’ presentation on how they approached the Zero Draft, Member State reactions [...]

GPW Round Up #8

Two high-level conferences for countries in special situations are scheduled for 2024 and Preparatory Committees have begun their discussions at the UNHQ.

This Round Up focuses on central themes explored by the UNGA78 Second Committee (Economic and Financial)’s session on Groups of Countries in Special Situations, including debt distress and vulnerability, concessional funding and climate financing.

Deliberations addressed the follow-up to LDC5 and the lead-up to the 2024 conferences, SIDS4 and LLDC3.