
WSSD2 Alert | 2025

Preparations for Second World Summit for Social Development

What can the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development achieve?

The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) will take place in Seville in June 2025. This is against the backdrop of massive delays in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, not least due to deficits in development financing. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) financing gap, which was estimated at US$ 2.5 trillion in 2015, has not been closed or reduced over the last decade. Instead, it has grown to over US$ 4 trillion annually. In addition, the decade [...]

Which companies should it apply to?

The process towards a legally binding instrument on business and human rights (also known as the “UN Treaty”) has now been underway for a decade. The initiative is based on the realisation that the activities of transnationally operating companies are not sufficiently regulated under human rights law. The transnational nature of these companies, their economic power and unilaterally formulated investment protection agreements often make it difficult to hold those responsible for human rights violations accountable and to provide victims with [...]

No. 11.2 | 2024

GPUNW No.11 explores how the question of Palestine has been taken up by Member States across a range of UNHQ processes. The selection from recent deliberations is presented in two parts.

No. 11.1 | 2024

GPUNW No.11 explores how the question of Palestine has been taken up by Member States across a range of UNHQ processes. The selection from recent deliberations is presented in two parts.

No. 10 | 2024

For further details

No. 9 | 2024

Special Edition: Right to Development

Views and proposals from civil society

The international financial architecture is in urgent need of reform. In the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, it is "outdated, dysfunctional and unjust". The main institutions were created 80 years ago in a transatlantic agreement, at a time when many of the world's nation-states of today were still colonies. Moreover, the institutions have failed in their mission to prevent and mitigate crises and to mobilize sufficient financing for internationally agreed development goals.

The reform of the international financial architecture [...]

GPW Fact Sheet #7

This GPW Factsheet on the 79th UN General Assembly outlines the meeting schedule, links and throughlines for action on the deliberations of Committees 2 and 3. Key issues highlighted in this briefing include macroeconomics, sustainable development, debt, food security, unilateral coercive measures (UCMs), information and communications technology (ICT), and social justice and human rights issues. 

No. 8 | 2024

Special Edition: Summit of the Future