

Job openings

There are currently no job openings.



GPF (New York):

There are currently no internship opportunities in New York. 


GPF Europe (Bonn):

GPF Europe currently has one full-time internship position for a duration of three months.

Next starting date is January 2025.

If you are interested in an internship, please send your application to europe[ät]

For details on how to apply, please refer to our application guidelines below.


Image of Bonn
Image of Bonn

Bonn (photo: pixabay)


Internships: General information

Global Policy Forum Europe welcomes applications for internships. We encourage qualified undergraduates, as well as graduate students to apply. Please note that due to legislation in Germany, we are able to consider applications from persons who will be students at the time of internship only. We welcome students who have studied the United Nations and international organizations, but we consider specialized academic training less important than dedication, curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.


What we are looking for

Most importantly, you should be interested in what we do and have a certain dedication to our aims. The period for an internship with GPF Europe is 12 weeks.

GPF Europe is looking for applicants who are students of Political Science/International Law, Political Economy or International Public Policy Studies - but we encourage applications from those outside those fields as well. We consider international experience and a progressive, egalitarian and global outlook more important than academic merits and value social commitment higher than university grades and credit points.

We look for those who are highly talented and able to do serious and critical thinking but who are also ready to do more ordinary tasks with a spirit of enthusiasm and cooperation. We also look for those who have shown the most active engagement on policy issues parallel to our interests.

Excellent English and German language skills are required.


Intern responsibilities

Depending on GPF's priorities and interns' capacities, interns are asked to participate in special thematic projects.

Currently, there are three issue areas:

  • Sustainable development/2030 Agenda and its implementation
  • Financing for development/tax justice
  • Corporate accountability and coporate influence on international processes

Interns are primarily engaged in following international policy processes, researching and preparing background information, participating in the preparation of workshops and conferences, writing articles and working papers, and contributing to GPF websites and social media accounts.

Interns also devote some time to office tasks, such as preparing mailings, helping organize meetings, or ordering supplies.

The main purpose of the internship is training. We do not consider interns to be underpaid substitutes for permanent employees. We therefore also encourage interns to contribute and realise their own ideas.

Interns work in close cooperation with the executive director and the programme directors of GPF's European office, with other German and European NGOs and international NGO networks.


The European Office of GPF

GPF's European office is located in the centre of Bonn. 

We estimate that monthly subsistence expenses (lodging, food and transport) in Bonn run about 850 EUR or more.

In general, GPF interns receive a moderate compensation (currently around 520 EUR per month).

We try to respond quickly to inquiries. If you do not receive a reply within two weeks, please feel free to follow-up. Those seriously interested can simply forward a full application (see application guidelines below).


Internship Application

Application Guidelines

1) Read our General Informations on internships with GPF!

2) Submit your application

Application requirements:

(1) a letter describing why you are interested in interning with GPF Europe and what special skills or experience you have that would fit with GPF's programs.

(2) a resume showing academic accomplishments, work experience, language studies, volunteer experience etc.

(3) a short piece of writing (e.g. course paper) showing your writing skills.

(4) Please indicate when you would like to do your internship. The duration of internships is three months.

Please note: Excellent English and German language skills are absolutely essential! You will have to read and write texts in both languages.

Please also note that due to legislation in Germany, we are able to consider applications from persons who are enrolled in a university at the time of internship only. The internship must not be part of the curriculum.

Submit your application package - in English or German - by email to europe[at]

We look forward to hearing from you!