02.06.2013 | DAWN

Petition: The Hague Civil Society Call to Action on Human Rights

The ICPD Beyond 2014 International Conference on Human Rights took place in The Netherlands from 7-10 July 2013.  This Conference was the second thematic conference, following the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Youth Forum, to take place within the scope of the ongoing review of the ICPD Programme of Action.
The Conference identified key achievements, barriers and emerging challenges to delivering the goals of the ICPD.  Bringing together over 300 representatives from government, UN agencies and civil society, including human rights defenders and members of academia, conference participants identified concrete ways to bridge gaps and examine intersections between human rights, population, development, equality and accountability.  Conference sessions were structured around themes including: women’s autonomy and reproductive rights, sexual health and well-being and human rights and gender-based discrimination and violence.
As a key follow-up to the Conference, The Hague Civil Society Call to Action on Human Rights and ICPD Beyond 2014 was developed by conference participants.  This is available as a petition here.  Please consider signing the petition in both an individual and an organizational capacity.  Please also disseminate this announcement widely among your networks.
Signatures will be collected till August 31, 2013.  Thereafter, the final petition will be shared with signatories to send to governments.