For more and updates go to https://gcap.global/peoples-assembly/
As Heads of State will meet on 24 and 25 September 2019 for the SDG Summit to review the progress of Agenda 2030, we are organizing a parallel People’s Assembly.
The People’s Assembly will bring together people’s representatives and civil society from around the world to give grassroots and marginalised people a voice. Most importantly, it will be a space for all to jointly analyse the structural reasons for the injustices, act and plan for common future actions to create systemic change to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.
Civil society plays a key role in advocating and implementing much needed change and to work on the structural causes of poverty and inequalities. However, we are being threatened and civic space to work is dwindling. Civil Society must fight back together and reclaim our space.
We are at the crossroads, as inequality has risen to unsustainable levels and climate change is causing incalculable damage. We can implement change or continue with the status quo. We are determined to act to save the planet and humanity, particularly ensure that no one is left behind.
To galvanise people’s voice across the world, we are organising a Global Week of Action from 20 – 27 September together with partners, with joint mobilizations and mass actions across movements & borders for Voice – Equality – Climate and Environmental Justice – #StandTogetherNow.