25.10.2013 | UN System Task Team Working Group on "Financing for sustainable development"

UN System Task Team's Working Group on "Financing for sustainable development" issues background papers

UNTT‘ s Working Group on "Financing for sustainable development" has issued four background papers for the Intergovernmental Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Financing that has been set up after a decission taken at the UN Conferences on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). The papers outline the work of that Expert Committee and the deliberations surrounding the post-2015 UN development agenda.

The papers come in the form of four 'chapters' and an executive summary.

Chapter 1:
 ‘Financing for sustainable development: Review of global investment requirement estimates’

This paper reviews investment requirement estimates for the following sectors and areas:

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); Health; Gender; Infrastructure; Agriculture; Land management and rural development energy; Climate change mitigation and adaptation; Other global commons (forests, biodiversity; oceans); Integrated sustainable development scenarios.

Chapter 2:
‘The variety of national, regional and international public sources for development finance’

This paper focuses on national, regional and international public sources for sustainable development finance.

Chapter 3:
‘Challenges in raising private sector resources for financing sustainable development’

Here the challenges in raising private sector resources for financing sustainable development are examined. The paper looks at whether a role for the public sector to provide an enabling policy environment is achievable and discusses the influences of economic partakers such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and domestic financial systems and investors.

Chapter 4:
‘Public support to private investment for sustainable development: challenges and opportunities, with emphasis on the environmental pillar.’

The final chapter surrounds the challenges and opportunities of public support for private investment for sustainable development. The emphasis is laid on climate, biodiversity and water.