Shadow reporting is a well-established tool of civil society when it comes to holding governments accountable. A number of CSOs have already started to prepare shadow or spotlight reports or similar monitoring accounts to follow-up on their governments efforts to implement the 2030-Agenda, especially its 17 goals and 169 targets. The main focus in this first year’s reports was to devise and discuss methodologies and to monitor governments’ efforts on drafting national implementation plans or strategies. In future reports they will point to governments’ short-comings in the implementation and highlight issues relevant for the successful achievement of the SDGs which have not been raised by their governments so far.
The aims of the event are thus to:
- present a number of CSO shadow reports on national implementation, CSO participation and accountability as examples of good reporting practice
- engage government and CSO-representatives in a discussion on national implementation, CSO participation and accountability with a specific focus on “leaving no one behind”
- provide a space for mutual exchange and peer learning regarding national challenges and methods of CSO shadow reporting
As space for this side event is limited, we kindly ask you to RSVP until July 10th.