Security Council reform is high on the agenda of the Summit of the Future (SOTF)

The Pact for the Future (PFTF), the proposed outcome of the Summit of the Future, addresses Security Council reform in Chapter 5 on global governance. The Pact’s annotated draft and process have had a placeholder for input from the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN).

The GPF team has been monitoring the IGN process and negotiations. This table (see pdf file below) includes the final version of the IGN contribution to Chapter 5, which was circulated by the IGN co-facilitators, Kuwait and Austria, on 12 August 2024

The primacy of the IGN as the body in charge of Security Council reform was reinforced in a letter addressed from the President of the General Assembly on 2 August 2024, which states the understanding reached in the IGN that the IGN contribution to the Pact for the Future from the co-facilitators of the IGN, Kuwait and Austria, “will be integrated into the Pact without change and will not be opened in the context of any negotiations in the finalization and adoption of the Pact in September.” 

For more information on the issue and Member State positions, see GPW Factsheet #6.

This is a work in progress, and likely there will be more updates to come.