Sustainable Development & Human Rights - All

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Why a fourth International Conference on Financing for Development is overdue
| News
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2021 - Briefing
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2021
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Time to overcome contradictions and hypocrisy in the COVID-19 crisis
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Healthy people, healthy animals and a healthy environment worldwide with the One Health approach
| Event
New developments in international and national regulation
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Indispensible for a Universal Post-2015 Agenda
| Event
Roundtable discussion on monitoring, review and SDG indicators
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What is the role for civil society?
| Publication
Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2020
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UN Monitor #20
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UN Monitor #18
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The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global sustainability agenda
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Debt, austerity policies and worldwide protest
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #32
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #31
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Between partnerships and regulation – two diverging ways to tackle the problem at the UN
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UN Monitor #5
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2019
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Spotlight Report on Sustainability in Europe
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Global civil society report assesses structural obstacles and institutional gaps in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #30
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #29
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Who controls the process, who owns the results? UN Monitor #2
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UN Monitor #1
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Business engagement with the 2030 Agenda
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #27
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The increasing role of venture philanthropies in Global Health: Win-win situations or conflicts of interest with and for the WHO?
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #26
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #25
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Global civil society report assesses obstacles and contradictions in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
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The Private Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #22
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Global Policy Watch - Briefing #23
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An analysis of financial flows, systemic issues and interlinkages
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Reclaiming Policies for the Public
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Global Hunger Index 2017
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On the Role of the Private Sector in Development
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #17
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Reflections on the 2017 United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
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On the last official day of the UN High-Level Political Forum, civil society express concern that ‘vision without implementation is hallucination’.
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Civil Society sees ‘room for improvement’ in national implementation of 2030 Agenda as well as an unfavourable international environment
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Will national partnerships with private sector accelerate implementation if global obstacles remain?
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Civil Society activists critique first week of deliberations at High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
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Global spotlight report challenges the notion that “trillions of private finance” are needed to advance SDG implementation.
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Global Spotlight Report warns against risks of Public-Private Partnerships
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Global Spotlight Report says SDG2 is only achievable if present food systems change towards agroecological diversification and food sovereignty.
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New independent Spotlight report points out that women´s lower wages and poorer labor conditions have resulted in unfair advantages for corporations
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Global Spotlight Report says that the Agenda 2030 proposal to eradicate poverty by 2030 is achievable but tax policies need to change.
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Global Spotlight Report says that the proposed “cascade” of private financing for infrastructure will result on more corruption, high fees for essential services, and massive resource transfers to the rich from the poor
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017
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Workshop during the HLPF 2017
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Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017
| Article
UN report paints a highly partial picture of SDG implementation
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| Event
Our Oceans, Our Future: Partnering for the Implementation of SDG 14
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Human Development Report 2016 published
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Advancing Equality through International Institutions
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Foreign Voices #3
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Foreign Voices #2
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Realizing the SDGs in the EU's External Activities
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Inequality and the SDGs
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The Bretton Woods Institutions stuck in policy dilemmas
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #13
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Climate Change Resilience – An Opportunity for Reducing Inequalities
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Towards global regulation on human rights and business
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Consolidating Misery? The political economy of inequalities
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Making the 2030 Agenda a reality
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Report on a "European Vision for Sustainability" published
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Report of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
| Event
Civil Society Action for meaningful participation and accountability
| Event
Civil Society Action for meaningful participation and accountability
| Event
Civil Society Reflection Group Report Launch: Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2016
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“Early Movers” Can Help Maintain Momentum
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Time to reconsider their role in implementation
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Position paper by Major Group NGOs
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #10
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Improving accountability and transparency
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Improving accountability and transparency
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how best to measure Agenda 2030
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Foreign Voices 4|2015
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #9
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Reflections from civil society in the region on Post2015 and Financing for Development
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Advocates Gear Up for Work to Come
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"Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"
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Corporations must contribute to sustainable development by respecting human rights
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A critical assessment of PPPs and their impact on sustainable development
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| Event
What will we need to sustain the outcomes of the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development?
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A Thinkpiece
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Unlocking the post-2015 stalemate on international cooperation
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The 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #5
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #3
| Event
An information and strategy session by the Treaty Alliance
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Indispensible for a Universal Post-2015 Agenda
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Inaugural Meeting to drive changes ahead of Post-2015 Ambition
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Old Tensions and New Challenges Emerge in Negotiating Session
| Event
How Useful Can This Be for Women?
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #2
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Global Policy Watch Briefing #1
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Economic valuation of nature
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Of the people and for the people?
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What outcomes should be agreed in Addis Ababa in 2015?
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Comments by the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives
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The search for accountability in development agendas
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A guide to environmental-social budgeting
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"Means and Ends"
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Why gender is crucial for a fair tax system
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Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level
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A Contribution to the SDG Debate
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Latin America cautions against partnerships without effective governance
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Human Rights Policy Brief
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UN General Assembly discusses monitoring and accountability in the new development agenda
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Governing for Sustainability
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Report on Mitigation of Climate Change
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The dramatic rise in killings of environmental and land defenders
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Improving the Contribution of Private Finance
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on “Co-Creating New Partnerships for Financing Sustainable Development
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Criteria and ideas for its institutional design
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The EU's Fifth Project
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flowery rhetoric, little substance
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Assessing how loans are reported as development aid
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UN expert on WTO Summit
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"Progress And Challenges Regarding The Future We Want"
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Demand human rights-consistent tax policies
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For a transformative shift in gender equality in Post-2015 Era
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Will the poor be short-changed?
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on the Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit, “A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond"
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ANND Statement
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Mixed report card
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"Climate Financing" in Developing Countries
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Essential for Development Sustainability in Pacific Small Island States
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The Agenda of the United Nations Should Respect Nature and Listen to the People
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| Publication
| Publication
Report of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives
| Publication
Development Models and Indicators of Well-being Beyond the MDGs
| Publication
Midpoint Review and Prospects for the Future
| Publication
The Human Development Report 2005
| Publication
The Report of the UN Secretary-General for the Millennium+5 Summit 2005
| Publication
Opportunities for new Initiatives in Development Finance and Global Governance? Working paper on international debates on the preparation process for the United Nations Millennium +5 Summit